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Depot 2030

Wood screws, Phillips flat head, Zinc plated steel, #10 x

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Each tape is 8m 26. You're rude with your first interation with her. Management needs to start setting a better example and firing people that are part of the problem and find ways to reward the good employees.

It's dirty, the lines are long, and you feel like you owe them for the privilege of shopping there. Mike, a disgruntled employee in the fish department, is the absolute worst. Mike, a disgruntled employee in the fish department, is the absolute worst. Long lines, slow service and dysfunction with employees.

How do you search for a product with the UPC or SKU number? numbers provided at store... - All possible I tried to avoid the restaurant depot at all costs. Seriously, it might improve your situation to be more self critical, good luck.

Just wanted to address the other review hear. Your sense of entitlement towards the Home Depot employee is pretty rich. She's a single individual in a large box store, your reaction based on that fact alone indicates that you a be a pretty silly person, perhaps with a power complex of some sort. Big picture of your tiny little world. It's Sunday night, depot 2030 should mean something, you show up within 10 minutes to close. The employee likely wants to go home to see her family. You're rude with your first interation with her. You proceed to not care that the depot 2030 is closing. You apperently tell her off. You then complain about her lack of conviction as to why she needs you to leave now that the store is closed. I'd like to add that you should not look for respect in people that you expect to serve you or expect them to do anyhting other than is required of them. That respect should come from your real relationships that have to contribute too- it maybe viewed that Im over doing by saying this but it does seem a very real problem in our society that I see often. You are an asshole in this situation, you should really reflect on that. Seriously, it might improve depot 2030 situation to be more self critical, good luck. My rating of the Home Depot. It's a good store with crazy huge sullection. Mostly they've happy employees, it would seem. Ive actually had quite a few of them pay me extra attention in helping me out, which shouldnt be expected imho. This has got to be the worst Home Depot I have ever visited, and by far the worst customer service I have received at any big box retail store. I arrived at the store one Sunday evening at 7:50pm, with 10 minutes to spare before the store closed. As soon as I entered, one lady asked me if I was a vendor. I was still in my work clothes and had a flatbed trolley to pick up an item. I was confused and said no, I'm a customer. Then she informed me that I have only 10 minutes left. Since the item was on sale, there were some bad pieces and limited colours available. It took a while to finalize the right carpet, but eventually we made a decision. When I told her how I felt, she gave a lame sorry, as if she didn't mean it. I told her if she ever came to my store, where I worked, I would never kick her out like this. If you don't mean it, don't say it. As I walked out, I checked the time and it was 8:02:45pm. I was only about 3 minutes over the store hours. She was behaving as if I was asking her to stay back an hour extra. I will never go back to this Home Depot and I don't recommend anyone else to do so either. This is the problem with big box retail stores like this, the employees have no vested interest in the store, and basically just do depot 2030 job to their minimalist satisfaction. I will now go to a small hardware store like Rona, which is Canadian. Help out our Canadian stores and also ensure that you get depot 2030 customer service. Your sense of entitlement towards the Home Depot employee is pretty rich. She's a single individual in a large box store, your reaction based on that fact alone indicates that depot 2030 a be a pretty silly person, perhaps with a power complex of some sort. Big picture of your tiny little world. It's Sunday night, which should mean something, you show up within 10 minutes to close. The employee likely wants to go home to see her family. You're rude with your first interation with her. You proceed to not care that the store is closing. You apperently tell her off. You then complain about her lack of conviction as to why she needs you to leave now that the store is closed. I'd like to add that you should not look for respect in people that you expect to serve you or expect them to do anyhting other than is required of them. That respect should come from your real relationships that have to contribute too- it maybe viewed that Im over doing by saying this but it does seem a very real problem in our society that I see often. You are an asshole in this situation, you should really reflect on that. Seriously, it might improve your situation to be more self critical, good luck. My rating of the Home Depot. Depot 2030 a good store with crazy huge sullection. Mostly they've happy employees, it would seem. Ive actually had quite a few of them pay me extra attention in helping me out, which shouldnt be expected imho. I arrived at the store one Sunday evening at 7:50pm, with 10 minutes to spare before the store closed. As soon as I entered, one lady asked me if I was a vendor. I was still in my work clothes and had a flatbed trolley to pick up an item. I was confused and said no, I'm a customer. Then she informed me that I have only 10 minutes left. Since the item was on sale, there were some bad pieces and limited colours available. It took a while to finalize the right carpet, but eventually we made a decision. When I told her how I felt, she gave a lame sorry, as if she didn't mean it. I told her if she ever came to my store, where I worked, I would never kick her out like this. If you don't mean it, don't say it. As I walked out, I checked the time and it was 8:02:45pm. I was only about 3 minutes over the store hours. She was behaving as depot 2030 I was asking her to stay back an hour extra. I will never go back to this Home Depot and I don't recommend anyone else to do so either. This is the problem with big box retail stores like this, the employees have no vested interest in the store, and basically just do their job to their minimalist satisfaction. I will now go to a small hardware store like Rona, which is Canadian. Help out our Canadian stores and also ensure that you get better customer service.

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I hope the Russians call it quits here in the states and bring their store back home. As soon as I entered, one lady asked me if I was a vendor. Treat your closet to a full makeover with one of our wood or wire closet systems. Long lines, slow service and dysfunction with employees. If you're looking for a more energy efficient option, consider solar lights to not only illuminate your lawn but also save money on your electricity bill. Each tape is 8m 26. As I walked out, I checked the time and it was 8:02:45pm. This is the problem with big box retail stores like this, the employees have no vested interest in the store, and basically just do their job to their minimalist satisfaction. The adhesive is designed to stick to itself as well as to laminate. I was told they have them but again, no one knows where they are!!!

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